My Back to School Weight Loss Goal: 15 Pounds!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Feeling Stronger Every Day

So, on Tuesday, I started the South Beach Diet. It's something that I've thought about for a while, and in fact, I've owned the book since March (and read it then too!). After my scare on Monday, I decided to try something different. I went grocery shopping and stocked up on cheeses, meats, and nuts and yummy veggies. My official weigh in is tomorrow, but I'm very pleased at what has been going on with my scale.

I also feel like I have more energy, which is funny, because I always associated carbs with energy. At the gym, I've been punching out great workouts this week and I feel refreshed and energized after they are done. Compared to what I've been doing over the past few months, it's nice not to feel completely exhausted and depleted after working out.

Do I miss carbs? Oh yeah. While eating my eggs and turkey sausage this morning, I couldn't help but notice the aroma coming off of Roo's cinnamon bagel. Or how tasty his hamburger looked with a bun on it while I was eating mine bunless. Or how great a bowl of cereal sounded last night while I was munching on my ricotta creme nighttime snack. Yesterday, when I stayed at the office a bit longer than I expected to, stranded with just a string cheese and some almonds, I wanted to eat some pretzels or something else to stabilize me. It's just so easy to reach for carbs when you're not thinking... and honestly, they are my comfort food. Does that mean all carbs are gone forever? No, they're just restricted for the next two weeks, and I am going to allow myself a "cheat" meal once a week. But I do think that once I move onto Phase 2 (where carbs are less restricted, and you're supposed to pay attention to the Glycemic Index), I will be eating less carbs than I usually do.

But I have to say, I am *never* hungry (minus me not planning on staying at the office for lunch yesterday, and then getting bogged down in work that kept me there way past my usual lunch time... but that's more bad planning on my part rather than me starving from not eating enough).

Is this a crash diet? Trust me, that is a concern of mine. I'm worried that once I reintroduce carbs into my diet, the pounds that have left will come back with a vengeance. However, there are plenty of people who eat less carbs and focus on eating "real" (non-processed foods) that have been successful on this type of diet.

Why am I doing this? First, it was suggested to me by my doctor as well as friends who have been on low-carb diets. Secondly, I need a change. Roo asked me the other night why I can't just stick to Weight Watchers (and therefore have more flexibility in what I can eat) and the answer is I HATE COUNTING POINTS. I hate getting so wrapped up in "how many points is this" or "what should I count my activity as for today". It. Drives. Me. Crazy. I love the idea of intuitive eating, and if that means restricting my diet for a few weeks while I learn what I should "intuitively" turn to when I get hungry, well then, let that happen.

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing the Atkins Diet a few years back (ok, so it's probably like 8 or so, but still that's only a few years, right??) and I did really well on it as far as the weight loss goes...but then, of course, you get back into the carbs and the crap food. So I'm really curious about South Beach - might have to borrow it from the library to read more about it depending on how you're doing on it. :)
    I think I'll wait till after my half-mary though....just in case. ;)
